With funding from the Government of Ontario, we worked with Dr. Robin Mason of Women’s College Research Institute to develop an e-learning curriculum for healthcare and social service providers on the range and diversity of reactions to sexual assault with a particular focus on recognizing reactions that are commonly misunderstood.
- Publications
- KT Tools
- Acknowledgements
Curriculum Design and Production
- Mason, R., Du Mont, J., Macdonald, S. & Lanthier, S. (2018, July). Recognizing and responding to the commonly misunderstood reactions to sexual assault. [e-Learning Curriculum]. Women’s College Research Institute, Women’s College Hospital.
Knowledge Translation Tools
- Mason, R., Lanthier, S. (Presenters), Macdonald, S., & Du Mont, J. (2019, January). Recognizing and responding to the commonly misunderstood reactions to sexual assault: Exploring a new online curriculum [Webinar]. The Learning Network. Target audiences: Health and social service providers, legal professionals, and law enforcement.
This project was funded by Ontario Women’s Directorate, Government of Ontario.
Research Team
- Co-Principal Investigator: Janice Du Mont, Women’s College Research Institute- Women’s College Hospital;
- Co-Principal Investigator: Robin Mason, Women’s College Research Institute- Women’s College Hospital;
- Co-Principal Investigator: Sheila Macdonald, Ontario Network of Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Treatment Centres; and
- Project Coordinator: Stephanie Lanthier, Women’s College Research Institute- Women’s College Hospital.
Advisory Committee
- Sheila Dunn, Women’s College Hospital;
- Vania Sukola, Family Service Toronto;
- Diana Tikasz, Ontario Network of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Treatment Centres;
- Catherine Classen, Women’s College Research Institute;
- Teya Greenberg, Sistering;
- Robin Haliuk Beendigen, Talk4Healing;
- Dawn Lawson-Gula, Ontario Network of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Treatment Centres;
- Tara Leach, Ontario Network of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Treatment Centres;
- Jothi Ramesh, Women’s Health in Women’s Hands; and
- Deborah Sinclair, Private Practice.
Clinical Scenario Review
- Scenario Illustrations: Susan Tiihonen;
- Scenario Text: Margaret Alexander;
- Sheila Dunn, Women’s College Hospital;
- Karen Gold, Women’s College Hospital;
- Diana Tikasz, Ontario Network of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Treatment Centres