Welcome to our newly redesigned website! We hope that it provides a clear message of who we are, what we stand for, and the values that guide and inform our work of supporting survivors across Ontario.
As we approach the 25th anniversary of our founding, we continue to be inspired by the passion and dedication we see in practitioners and researchers, program coordinators and policymakers, funders and advocates, all working on behalf of those who experience sexual violence and abuse.
As part of our commitment to keeping our services easily accessible, the new site makes it easier for survivors to find a location closest to them and get the help they need. We have created a more navigable website which features our Network resources, research projects, and online training modules for both survivors and the healthcare community. In a major improvement, it is also fully responsive with mobile devices, making it easy to navigate on a wide range of web browsers and portable devices so that you will have easier access wherever you are. The site now contains integrated social media buttons for Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to improve communication and make it simple to find and share information/resources.
Going forward, we will continue to communicate regularly through our blog in order to provide you with current news of the Network. Reflecting our long-standing commitment to supporting survivors across Ontario, we welcome your feedback as we continue to improve this site.
Sheila Macdonald
Provincial Coordinator, Ontario Network of Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence Treatment Centres